Career Development
Develop your employability by becoming more knowledgeable, exploring yourself and your options, creating meaningful networks and learning from people in the industry.
Following our employability timeline will give you a framework to put everything into perspective.

Year 1 Meet the Team and Know Yourself
Welcome aboard! Reach out and explore what the University offers. Here are some of the things that will help you achieve these goals:
Meet the Team
- Know your lecturers and the requirements of each class,
- Discuss with your academic advisor,
- Book a meeting with Careers Services to build a CV
- Join a Club or Society
Know who you are and what you like
- Take one of the free career related tests
- Register to Handshake and create a profile
- Join the Bronze Award of the Richmond Leadership Academy
Year 2 Be Present and Participate
Stay focused on your studies and develop your employability skills
Be Present
- Update your CV
- Go to career related events, such as Careers Fairs and learn how to present yourself confidently
- Create a LinkedIn account
- Develop your skills through part-time jobs and volunteering roles
- Learn more about jobs by attending Careers Fairs
- Be more confident in taking up leadership roles in Clubs and Societies
- Join the Silver Award of the Richmond Leadership Academy
Year 3 Present Yourself and Networking
Present yourself
- Update your CV and learn how to write cover letters
- Search the job sectors you are interested in
- Start actively searching for internships, familiarise yourself with the application process and apply
- Join the Gold level of the Richmond Leadership Academy
- Attend even more career related events and talk with professionals
- Update your profile in professional employability and networking platforms
Year 4 Focused Job Search
Complete your Undergraduate Studies journey by starting actively seeking career opportunities
– Develop your job search strategy
– Get ready for interviews
– Keep building your networks and ask for assistance in your job search
- Start researching options for graduate studies
- Further develop your employability through an internship
- Complete the Platinum level of the Richmond Leadership Academy
Postgraduate Year Engage and Demonstrate
- Learn more about your skills and values
- Update your CV
- Register to Handshake
- Apply for an internship
- Join a Club and Society
- Create LinkedIn account
- Complete an Award of the Richmond Leadership Academy