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Summer School in Mexico

June 8 - June 22

Summer School in Yucatan, Mexico!

June 8th – June 22nd

Hola students,

Amazing news! We are organising a FREE 2-week summer school in Merida, Mexico, where Richmond students will learn about the cultural identity of Yucatan through classes and cultural activities. To get a better understanding of the programme, have a look at the video that was made with Richmond students from last year’s programme herehttps://youtu.be/bTjh9HeHDlQ?si=vcfxnuymzZHoT-TW

This course will take place from June 8th to June 22nd, 2025, and includes 5 days of lecturing per week and 7 field trips to cultural and historical sites. You will get 3 US credits to transfer back into your Richmond degree and these can count for any elective at Level 3, 4 or 5. So you don’t need to take 5 classes the semester after – giving you time to improve your GPA. The group will also be accompanied by Richmond staff. All the credits, plus your accommodation, visits/entry fees, transport to cultural/historical sites, and some meals, comes at NO COST TO YOU.

You will only be required to pay for:

  • Your airfare to Mexico
  • Transport to the airport in the UK
  • Your own medical insurance
  • Pocket money for personal expenses and the meals not covered by the programme, and
  • You will need to pay a non-refundable £100 administration fee.

As this programme is FREE space is limited and is, therefore, on a first come first served basis, although we will try to operate a waitlist. Priority will be given to students returning to Richmond in Fall 25 (freshman, sophomore, junior) who do not have any attendance failures, have obtained a minimum GPA of 3, and whose fees are all up to date.

Please note that successful applicants who don’t return to Richmond the next semester or who fail to take up the offer after submitting an application, will be billed the full amount for the course (£1,500).

How do I apply? 

If you would like to apply for this amazing opportunity, please fill out this registration formhttps://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=zovguHwJJEWVYkAReJAuUrSQFxP4JM9Ihr5sE5KqKxxUNjlQRlFFTFNSRFAxSjVMTENUSFAyTUJJTi4u&lor

Application and Payments

  • Talk to your advisor about where the course fits into your degree and submit the registration form as soon as possible. The deadline to submit the form is February 21st, 5pm.
  • We’ll review the registration forms and send you a link to pay a £100 administration fee (This is all students will have to pay for the course fee as long as they return to Richmond in Fall 2025). This deposit must be paid by March 1st.
  • If necessary, we will contact you regarding visas/tourist cards
  • A presentation and Q&A will be organised early February

Contact Camille Brewster for more information: [email protected]   


June 8
June 22